Special Doughnuts, soup and more !
From our shop to your home, take Chef Masaaki Okuda’s doughnuts with you!
ron(d) 円・輪【フランス語】 ”circle, round” in French
MA シェフの名前の頭文字 & BAR”MA”NE
d(‘)or 黄金の【フランス語】 “golden” in French
◇ 営業時間
Our restaurant is closed irregularly, so please check the calender. → news
About breakfast → news
⚪︎breakfast & regular menu 9:00〜11:00(10:30ラストオーダー) /We will open early as soon as we are ready.
⚪︎regular menu 12:00〜17:00 ※ 閉店時間が1時間早まります
We also have take-home containers available. As part of our efforts to reduce waste, we will give you a discount on the cost of containers if you bring your own Tupperware containers or tumblers. There will be a charge for paper bags, so we would appreciate it if you could prepare a carry-on bag if possible.
◇ お持ち込みいただく容器について
◇ About the containers you bring with you
If it has a lid and is over 6.5cm in height, you can use anything you have at home, such as a Tupperware or lunch box. If you are in the neighborhood, you can also use a plate!
We ask that you order at least one soup or drink per customer for eating here.
◇ 事前予約専用オンラインショップ
◇ Online shop exclusively for advance reservations
We prepare all menu items after receiving your order.
To ensure smooth delivery to those in a hurry, we have introduced a reservation system that allows you to specify a pick-up date and time. If you would like to bring your own containers, please add the “Bring your own containers” item to your cart and we will accommodate you.
Please feel free to use it.
◇ 食材について
⚫︎ 油・・・消泡剤不使用の米油、有機オリーブオイルやグラスフェッドバター
⚫︎ 塩 / オリーブオイル / 古代小麦・・・[兵庫]上田商店さんが個人輸入している、スペインバスク地方のアンセストラルの塩( 基本は国産海水塩を使います)と南イタリアの小さな村で生産された古代小麦とエキストラバージンオリーブオイル(農薬・殺虫剤・除草剤不使用/酸度0.12%) https://uedashowtenfood.stores.jp/
⚫︎ 米粉 / 玄米焙じ茶 ・・・ [京都]Jack Farmさんの化学肥料・農薬不使用のお米(品種〝ひのひかり〟)から出来た米粉 / 6月収穫の番茶(緑茶)を焙煎した焙じ茶(品種〝かなやみどり〟)・玄米は7分づきを蒸し、乾燥させ焙煎したお米(品種〝ひのひかり〟)https://jack-farm.jimdosite.com/
⚫︎ お米 / 野菜 / 果物・・・信頼のおける近畿圏内の農家さんや京都市内の小さな八百屋さん・オーガニックスーパーで仕入れる新鮮な無農薬栽培のもの
⚫︎ 魚介類・・・京都市中央卸売市場第一市場で仕入れる新鮮な天然のもの
⚫︎ 卵 / 乳製品 / 豆乳・・・平飼い卵 / グラスフェッドバター / 有機無調整豆乳
⚫︎ 珈琲・・・[京都]Milletさんの石窯焙煎オーガニック珈琲 https://www.cafemillet.jp/
◇ 乳製品フリーのメニュー
About our ingredients
We use cooking methods that bring out the taste of the ingredients themselves as much as possible, so that you can enjoy the deliciousness of nature that changes with the seasons.
⚫︎ Oil: No defoamers used rice oil, Organic extra virgin olive oil, Grass-fed-Butter from grazing cows raised on non-GMO feeds
⚫︎ Wheat flour: Ancient wheat produced in a small village in southern Italy (no pesticides, insecticides, herbicides / acidity 0.12%)
⚫︎ Rice flour: [Kyoto]JackFarm’s rice which are cultivated without agrochemicals and chemical fertilizers.
⚫︎ Vegetables and fruits: Fresh pesticide-free cultivated products purchased from reliable farmers in the area, small greengrocers in Kyoto City, and organic supermarkets
⚫︎ Seafood: Fresh, natural products purchased at the Kyoto City Central Wholesale Market
⚫︎ Eggs / Soy milk: Cage-free eggs / Organic unregulated soy milk
⚫︎ Finishing salt and finished olive oil and ancient wheat : [Hyogo] Ueda Shoten privately imports Ancestral salt from the Basque Country in Spain (basically using domestic sea salt) and extra virgin olive oil and ancient wheat produced in a small village in southern Italy (no pesticides, insecticides, herbicides / acidity 0.12%) https://uedashowtenfood.stores.jp/
⚫︎ Coffee・・・[Kyoto] Millet’s stone oven roasted organic coffee https://www.cafemillet.jp/
⚫︎ GENMAI HOUJICHA / japanese tea ・・・ [Kyoto]JackFarm’s tea and rice which are cultivated without agrochemicals and chemical fertilizers. https://jack-farm.jimdosite.com/
◇ Egg free and non-dairy menu
Ancient wheat natural yeast doughnuts, Seasonal vegetable soup, Seasonal vegetable salad, Fish and chips, All kinds of fritter, Chinese steames buns.